Easter Lunch Wine Ideas

Vintage Roots

If you’re after wine ideas for Easter lunch then look no further! For many this is a time of year to gather with friends and family and enjoy a nice meal – and some good wines too of course!

Roast lamb is a popular centrepiece for Easter lunch, along with other things like chicken, vegetarian mains, ham, and fish dishes too.

In this blog post, we’ll provide you with Easter lunch wine pairings to make this coming together even more delicious.

Note: these are simply guidelines for pairings we know generally work well. Don’t be afraid to experiment; there are of course other pairings that will work, too.


Easter Starters or Brunch

boiled eggs - along with easter lunch wine ideas

Your Easter starter might be a nice warm soup or some tartines or some hors-d’œuvres of sorts, or maybe even a quiche. For this, we recommend something bubbly, as sparkling wines are extremely food-friendly and tend to pair well with eggs made in so many ways, from scrambled to benedict variations too. Tartines are often made with things like smoked fish or cheeses, and again, bubbles can be a great way to go here and they are simply a nice way to get the party started. Choose something Spanish, organic Prosecco, English Sparkling or Champagne … plenty of options, here are two we’d recommend.

Easter Lunch Wines for Roast Lamb

There are plenty of options for red wines that pair well with roast lamb for Easter lunch, which is a popular favourite this time of year. As a richer meat with a higher fat content, a richer red is your best bet. Try any of the following options:

As you can see, plenty of options. Here are three organic reds and a Sicilian orange wine as ideas for Easter roast lamb.

Easter Lunch Wines for Roast Chicken

For roast chicken, another popular Easter lunch main, plenty of options will do as well, and also whites and rosés as it’s a lighter meat. Try these for a delicious combination:

Easter Lunch Wines for Ham

For Easter lunch wines for roast ham or gammon, lighter fruitier reds like Beaujolais or Pinot Noir work, as do some whites.

Easter Lunch Fish Dishes

For fish dishes like fish pie (which some like to have on Good Friday), stick to whites, again Chardonnay is a safe bet.

What about vegetarian mains?

If you look at the BBC Good Food’s Easter vegetarian section, the first few recipes to come up are pies and galettes with ingredients like cheese, spring onions, courgette, etc. It’s hard to recommend just a few wines to go with all vegetarian mains as their flavours and ingredients can vary a lot.

However, for a pie or quiche with ingredients like leeks or spring onions, we’d recommend a crisp dry white such as a Sauvignon Blanc or even a Riesling or light Chardonnay could work well too.

What about desserts and chocolate?

a simnel cake - for easter lunch wine ideas

Simnel cake, chocolate torte, easter eggs and chocolate … there are organic dessert wines to match whatever your sweet delight is. These two options, a fortified Malbec and sweet Muscat, are heavenly matches for anything sweet.

Another Easter treat

Last but not least, this organic Amaretto is made with natural bitter almond oil (rather than commercial flavourings used for most amaretto drinks), organic bourbon vanilla and organic cocoa beans for a super luxurious tipple. Pair with chocolate, from milk, to white to dark, for a super luscious combination.

We hope you enjoyed these Easter lunch wine ideas. However you spend it, wish you a very happy and peaceful Easter time 🐣



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